Veiled Dagger Series: Books 1-3

Book Cover Art Work for the book titled: Veiled Dagger Series: Books 1-3

This special edition bundle contains the first three books in the Veiled Dagger series.

Royal assassin, Rothar, is on a routine mission. Tasked with quietly eliminating a lecherous merchant with a penchant for young children, Rothar’s blade strikes without hesitation.

But when more children go missing, Rothar digs deeper and discovers an insidious network that reaches high up into the echelons of nobility.

What started as a simple mission has become a dangerous quest for justice. Rothar must call upon all his skill to punish those responsible, and rescue the innocent before it’s too late.

Contains the first three books in the series:

Assassin’s Quest
Assassin’s Shadow
Assassin’s Winter

Special Price: $0.99!!!!