Summer’s Fall: The Quest For The Autumn King Part 1 (Of Cats And Dragons Book 3)

Book Cover Art Work for the book titled: Summer's Fall: The Quest For The Autumn King Part 1 (Of Cats And Dragons Book 3)

13What do you do when your talking cat accepts a crazy quest?

If you’re Omen, you jump right in.

And before Omen knows it, he’s crossing the Luminal Sea on a miraculous ship called the Golden Voyage.

But the voyage is anything but golden.

In the shadow of a devastating hex, pursued by a stealer of souls, with both interference and help from Tormy and the potty-mouthed kitten Tyrin, Omen faces monsters, ghosts, and grave troubles unshackled by the volatile seasons themselves.

Accompanied by the prince of Terizkand, a Sundragon scholar, a cynical spy, and a reckless Corsair, our young firebrand has to employ all of his strengths as the autumn winds carry them into the center of a cataclysm that threatens to swallow the world.

You’re right in time for SUMMER’S FALL.

OF CATS AND DRAGONS, where the epic meets the adorable.

Get it now!

(reg price $3.99)

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