Pride and Precipitation (Chick Flick Clique Romantic Comedy #1)

Book Cover Art Work for the book titled: Pride and Precipitation (Chick Flick Clique Romantic Comedy #1)

PG-RATED FUN that’s been professionally edited.
Pride and Precipitation is #1 of the Chick Flick Clique romantic comedy series and Book #2 is Regally Blonde.

Written by USA Today Bestselling Author Heather Horrocks.


Breezy Jones is crazy about the weather, rain or shine, which makes her job as the local television station’s meteorologist perfect. She’s even hoping the new buyers of her Aspen Grove station will make some positive changes.

That’s before she meets the attractive new general manager, Noah Drake, who is determined to repackage everything—including Breezy’s down-home delivery and casual, girl-next-door appearance that seems too

Pollyanna for him. He replaces her with a high-powered diva weathercaster and makes Breezy her off-screen assistant.

With a flood of angry emails from the community, plummeting ratings, and incessant demands from the diva, it doesn’t take long for Noah to see which way the wind is blowing.

Will the station survive the competitive clash between pride and precipitation?

More importantly, can their blossoming attraction survive?

This is a novella of about 170 pages. The paperback version will be available soon.

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5-STAR REVIEW: Jennifer English Rose Reviews Clean Romances – Oct 10, 2012
This was a cute story with some ties to that Austen classic which the title reminds us of. A fun, light trip through small-town news, this book pulled you into the story. With several fun side characters, the story left itself open for many other interlocked stories. With a fun plot and sweet characters, it’s a refreshing bit of fun and sweet romance. This one made me smile and definitely made me laugh at several points. With a quick wit and some good conflict, the characters had me falling in love along with them. Definitely a good book to take on vacation or snuggle up on a cold winter night.

Full working Table of Contents. Professionally edited and formatted.


The Who-Dun-Him Inn series: Snowed Inn
The Bad Mothers Club series: Murder is Misunderstood (formerly The Bad Mothers Club)

Bah, Humbug! (Christmas novella)
Baby Mine, Old Money, No Sudden Moves

The Chick Flick Clique Romantic Comedy series:
Pride and Precipitation #1
Regally Blonde #2 (2012)
My Spare Lady #3 (2012/13)
While You Were Stranded (2013)

The LDS series: How to Stuff a Wild Zucchini, Old Maid of Honor, You Just Turned 8 (a baptism book)

Women & Men Who Knew the Mortal Messiah

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