Orphan Train Escape (Hearts On The Rails)

Book Cover Art Work for the book titled: Orphan Train Escape (Hearts On The Rails)

Bridget Collins is determined not to abandon her younger siblings, Katie and Liam.
Lily Doherty runs a women’s sanctuary and offers the Collin’s family a home but after finding their presence will bring only trouble to Lily’s door, Bridget decides to leave New York. She knows little about the so called Orphan Trains.

She takes a job as an outplacement agent and finds herself on a train west with almost forty orphans under her care.

Through laughter and tears, these children teach Bridget a thing or two about love, life and loyalty. With the help of Carl Watson, the male outplacement agent and other people she meets on her journey, she finds a new calling. Every child deserves a happy home and Bridget is determined to do whatever it takes to ensure that happens. No matter what the cost…

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