Cut Off: Part One: A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Thriller Series

Book Cover Art Work for the book titled: Cut Off: Part One: A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Thriller Series

No power. No lights. No Hope. It’s a bad time to be afraid of the dark.

The EMP strikes and the electricity cuts off. The computers go dead. Society is on the brink of doom. The only way to survive is to get out, away from the cities and into the wilderness.

At work, Reid is an office drone with a keen sense of things about to go very, very wrong. He’s one of the very first to understand what’s coming. His plan is to get to an old farmhouse he inherited a few years ago as fast as possible. He’s an expert on EMP and thinks he’s ready. He soon discovers there’s a lot more to surviving than simply having the right tools.

At home, Michelle is pulling a sickie off work. What begins as a regular power outage soon becomes outright terrifying. The peaceful place she once called home has become hell. She needs to trust in strangers to keep her safe. Can she do it?

At school, Gina picks up her kids to get them out of dodge. She drives a dented pickup truck and lives to hunt. She has the skills to sustain her family, but can she make it to the lodge in time?

Do Reid, Michelle, and Gina have what the situation demands to survive? Even the best-laid plans can succumb to unexpected challenges.

Cut Off is Book One of The Cut Off series, a post-apocalyptic survival thriller trilogy. Ever wondered what you would do in the case of an EMP?

Bring your candles. You’re in for a long night.

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